
Read the latest edition of AIR and MEIR as an Interactive e-book

Jan 2024

Market Profile


Dynamic reinsurance market despite lower capacity

 Although small and with no national reinsurer, Jordan’s reinsurance industry is still a dynamic market with growth likely in the future. Middle East Insurance Review spoke with experts to find out more.


Jordan market brimming with potential

The insurance industry in Jordan has seen its ups and downs in the past five years due to the country’s economic conditions and other external challenges. However, it continues to develop and players manage to secure growth.

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Plenty of room for innovation in Jordan

Cyber security threats and improving supply chain resilience are among top risks faced by general insurers in Jordan. Middle East Insurance Company’s Dr Rajai Sweis spoke to Middle East Insurance Review about how the industry is addressing the needs of the market.

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Regulatory review in Jordan

The Central Bank of Jordan is working on new regulations for the country’s insurance sector with new variables and developments to be completed by the end of 2025. Middle East Insurance Review looks at the regulatory landscape.

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