News Middle East12 Jun 2024

Turkiye:Insurance association carries out strategy study for 2025-2030

| 12 Jun 2024

The Insurance Association of Turkiye (TSB) has started studies on strategies for the industry for the years 2025-2030, Mr Uger Gulen, the industry body's president, has revealed. The objective is to shape the TSB to better support all stakeholders and develop the industry.

Mr Gulen, who was re-elected as the TSB president in April 2024, said this at a meeting between the TSB’s new board of directors and members of the media.

At the meeting, Mr Gulen evaluated the first-quarter performance of the insurance industry, discussed current issues affecting the industry and shared TSB's goals in the new term.

He said, “As a sector, we have a very wide ecosystem including insurance companies, reinsurance companies, regulators, ministries, agencies, brokers, ancillary service providers and medical institutions. TSB is an institution in the middle of this ecosystem and our dream is to create an institution that has its own identity, its own culture, and its own leadership, which h will support all stakeholders and benefit the development of insurance. Together, we will determine the areas in which we will take steps in the coming period through common-sense efforts. We are planning this work. In this regard, we started strategy studies covering the years 2025-2030.”

He added that the TSB’s priorities include premium rate increases, earthquakes, sustainability and insurance education.


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