
Read the latest edition of AIR and MEIR as an Interactive e-book

Sep 2024

Education and training

Developing insurance talent in Egypt

The concept of insurance training has developed in the region but (re)insurance companies need to invest in this area because lack of talent is a serious challenge facing the industry.

UAE: Hybrid training model for insurance

The insurance education and training segment in the UAE has seen major changes since the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic and this has brought long-term benefits for the industry. We spoke to the Chartered Insurance Institute’s Ms Gaenor Jones about its experience.

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The challenges of insurance education in MENA

Bahrain’s insurance industry is increasingly prioritising education and training to enhance the expertise of its workforce, emphasising advanced risk management, compliance and the integration of modern technologies to meet evolving market demands. Middle East Insurance Review spoke to Bahrain Institute of Banking and Finance’s Ms Hala Naseeb to find out more.

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