News Middle East29 Jul 2024

Morocco:Regulator postpones decision on travel insurance premium refunds in visa rejection cases

| 29 Jul 2024

The Insurance and Social Security Supervisory Authority (ACAPS) has postponed its decision on the refund of premiums paid for travel insurance when applications for visas are rejected by European authorities.

An informed source who attended a meeting between the National Federation of Consumer Associations (FNAC) and ACAPS said that the latter had decided to postpone the final decision until the beginning of September.

ACAPS requested the postponement at a previous meeting held between the two sides to study the issue, according to the online newspaper Hespress.

Mr Wadih Madih, FNAC president, described the previous meeting as fruitful, adding that the consumer lobby had heard proposals from ACAPS.

The FNAC has locked horns with insurers over travel insurance for Europe which is compulsory when applying for a Schengen visa. The FNAC is seeking premium refunds from insurers. The federation estimates that on average, the total cost of a mandatory Schengen travel insurance policy is MAD700 ($71).

The FNAC has said that there are around 11,300 Schengen visa rejections a year for Moroccans.

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