News Africa04 Jul 2024

Zimbabwe:Motor accidents cost the country over US$400m each year

| 04 Jul 2024

Road traffic accidents cost Zimbabwe losses of over $400m each year, the managing director of the Zimbabwe Traffic Safety Council of Zimbabwe (TSCZ), Mr Munesu Munodawafa, has said.

Each month, at least 150 people die in road accidents while the number of motor accidents throughout the country averages 4,250, reported the newspaper Chronicle quoting Mr Munodawafa. 38 people are injured daily in motor accidents, with one accident recorded every 15 minutes in the country.

According to the United Nations (UN) study of 2019-2021, Zimbabwe was losing around $406m in insurance, medical bills and other related expenses as a result of road accidents.

Meanwhile, Transport and Infrastructure Development Minister Felix Mhona urged lawmakers to approve the establishment of a road accident fund to help those involved in road accidents.

In a statement to the National Assembly, the minister said that the Road Accident Fund (RAF) would provide cover to all road users against injuries sustained or death arising from accidents involving motor vehicles within Zimbabwe.

This cover is in the form of indemnity insurance to persons who cause the accident as well as personal injury and death insurance to victims of motor vehicle accidents and their families,” he said, adding that he would submit soon a proposal to form the fund to the Cabinet.

Mr Mhona also said 97% of accidents reported on Zimbabwean roads were caused by human error. He urged legislators to introduce stringent measures to reduce road carnage.


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