News Middle East11 Sep 2024

Turkiye:Compulsory disaster insurance scheme to be launched in 2025

| 11 Sep 2024

Turkiye's Compulsory Disaster Insurance scheme (ZAS) is set to be launched officially at the beginning of 2025.

The Turkish Catastrophe Insurance Pool (TCIP) will then be expanded to cover all disaster risks from providing protection merely against earthquakes. The additional kinds of disasters to be covered include floods, landslides, storms, hail, avalanches, and forest fires. Plans are afoot for legislative changes to accommodate this, reported Sigorta Medya.


According to the information obtained, buildings will be insured for earthquake coverage, while both buildings and movable property will be insured for other disasters. Due to the nature of the natural disasters to be added to ZAS, settlements in village areas will also be able to benefit from disaster insurance.

Priority will be given to regions with high disaster risk, particularly in relation to risk to social housing. Technological infrastructure will be developed to provide data analysis for early warning purposes and to monitor disasters. Technical and human capacity for intervention in disasters and emergencies will be strengthened. Infrastructure work will be completed to provide an uninterrupted secure communication system.

In addition, priority will be given to investments to restore tourism activities to their pre-disaster vitality in disaster-affected regions. Preventive measures against forest fires will be increased. Artificial intelligence applications will be used to strengthen firefighting. The firefighting land and air vehicle fleet will continue to increase.

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