News Middle East09 Sep 2024

Morocco:Insurance regulator to organise programme to boost insurance inclusion

| 09 Sep 2024

The Insurance and Social Security Supervisory Authority (ACAPS) is preparing to launch the first edition of the "Emergence Programme" to promote innovation and strengthen insurance inclusion.

The initiative, led by the Innovation and InsurTech unit, aims to develop innovative solutions that meet the new needs of Moroccan citizens as well as a favourable framework for innovation and synergy, according to local media reports. The programme also seeks to identify and develop cases that will have a significant impact on the lives of citizens. Its main objective is to strengthen insurance inclusion by highlighting solutions adapted to new consumption habits.

The programme will take place in several phases, starting with a roadshow in December 2024, to identify the main challenges of the insurance sector that will be addressed by innovation and digitalisation on the different links in the value chain (product, underwriting, distribution, and claims management). This roadshow will include around 30 interviews with key players in the sector (representatives of insurance companies, brokers, partners, etc.) mainly in Casablanca and Rabat.


A launch event is planned for January 2025 to mark the official start of the programme and will be an opportunity to present the results of the roadshow and involve international speakers to raise awareness among participants of the strategic issues related to innovation.

The programme will then include an operational phase marked by a recruitment campaign for talents who will join the various working groups set up, followed by the start of work on the "Emergence Path". This phase, lasting approximately three months, will include five thematic working groups, each composed of around 10 participants representing the various stakeholders involved.

June 2025

The Emergence Programme will end in June 2025 with a final event where the results of the working groups will be presented. This event will be an opportunity to take stock of the innovations developed and to consider their concrete implementation in the insurance sector.

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