News Middle East22 Jul 2024

Morocco:Insurance agents and payments company in marketing cooperation

| 22 Jul 2024

Barid Cash and Amicale des Agents AtlantaSanad have formed a partnership aimed at marketing Barid Cash's services by the general agents of the insurance company AtlantaSanad.

Barid Cash is a payments and financial services provider. Amicale des Agents AtlantaSanad represents the general agents of the insurance company AtlantaSanad

Through the partnership, AtlantaSanad insurance agents offer their clients a wide range of financial services, in addition to insurance product offerings.

This partnership is seen as an important step in strengthening financial inclusion in Morocco. The integration of this new network of general agents will provide greater proximity to Moroccan citizens via an expanded network of points of sale, facilitating access to all the products and services offered by Barid Cash.


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