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Sep 2024

Gen Re celebrates digital transformation and innovation

Source: Middle East Insurance Review | Apr 2022

General Reinsurance (Gen Re) (DIFC branch) last month held a reception to review its digital transformation over the past five years. The event welcomed more than 100 guests from over 15 countries.
The event started with a digital show called ‘Dreamed Japan’, followed by a welcome note from Gen Re board member and life/health regional head of Europe, Latin America and MENA Ulrich Pasdika. He greeted the guests with a snapshot presentation on Gen Re’s history and provided insights into the industry’s future.
This was followed by a series of videos that highlighted Gen Re MENA’s digital transformation presented by Gen Re regional director MENA life/health Mazen Abouchakra. The company also used the reception as a platform to showcase its quick underwriting process app. M 
Gen Re
Gen Re
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