
Read the latest edition of AIR and MEIR as an Interactive e-book

Jan 2013

Special Feature

Thought Leadership Roundtable: Don't wait for the regulator

The industry has waited long enough for regulators to push it forward and it should now take the lead to get things moving, said 11 insurers and reinsurers at the Asia Insurance Review/Middle East Insurance Review Roundtable, hosted by the Qatar Financial Centre (QFC) Authority. While lessons were learnt in 2011, there is the need to internalise these lessons for a permanent change.

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Market Update - Oil & Gas: Reducing under-insurance through valuation

The lack of insurance valuation knowledge and the concept of insuring assets at book value are the main reasons for ME oil & gas operators to insure their assets well below the current replacement value. Mr Steve Tanner of John Foord explores the possible solutions with a stress on accurate and regular valuations as vital tools in risk management.

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Market Update - Oil & Gas: Mixed opportunities for MENA oil & gas

The Middle East, the prime source of the world's hydrocarbon resources, has promising plans for upgrading and expanding the oil & gas infrastructure. However, weak investment markets, low loss ratio and availability of capacity point to a flat oil & gas insurance market in 2013, says Mr Kamal H Tabaja of Trust Re.

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Captives in MENA: Choosing the right home

Political and country risk has become more important in selecting captive domiciles over recent years, says Mr Robin Ali in a review of the captive formation process and Middle East domiciles.

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Banking sell-off has insurance buyers on alert

Several banks have been offloading their insurance assets, creating buying opportunities for insurers in the Middle East. Will there be a scramble among insurers for these assets and could it provide a fillip for the sluggish M&A mood within the industry?

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Strategic Global View: Unlocking the economic and social benefits of insurance

Insurance is a key enabler of economic and societal progress and development. Therefore, policymakers should maintain an environment that is conducive to the industry's prospects rather than compromising them, says Dr Kai-Uwe Schanz of Dr Schanz, Alms & Company AG, Zurich.

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The Back Page: Regulatory moves in Jordan: Back to square one?

Scrapping Jordan's Insurance Commission - once hailed as an exemplary model for the Arab world - could help cut public spending, but the costs of such a move may outweigh the savings.

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