
Read the latest edition of AIR and MEIR as an Interactive e-book

Mar 2024

Market Profile


Algerian insurance regulation picks up pace

Like many other insurance regulatory environments, Algeria needs to keep pace with the speed of developments in the market – from Nat CAT cover to InsurTech. Middle East Insurance Review takes a look at recent developments on the regulatory landscape.

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Health insurance sees highest growth in GWP

In 2023, Algeria’s life and health insurance market saw significant development driven by a growing awareness of the importance of insurance protection and an evolving regulatory landscape. In particular, the health insurance market saw the highest growth in GWP while the life insurance market experienced a strong recovery from the pandemic. We find out more.

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Macroeconomics impact Algerian reinsurance

The Algerian insurance market posted 4.3% growth in turnover of DZD82.1bn ($597m), for the first half of 2023, in comparison to the same period in 2022, which also had a ripple effect on the reinsurance market. We spoke to Compagnie Centrale de Réassurance’s Mr Benseidi Abdallah about the current state of the industry and the future.

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More to come for Algeria's insurance industry

The insurance sector in Algeria contains strong elements that could help it become one of the leading markets in MENA. The diverse mix of players is a factor in developing the marketplace, despite the presence of major challenges.

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Untapped potential in Algerian general insurance

Algeria’s insurance market has huge potential and offers players ample growth opportunities. However, the industry must do a lot more to increase insurance awareness and penetration. CASH Assurances’ Ms Wided Belhouchet says market players and authorities will have to put in more effort to gain customers’ trust.

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