Proud to be the best

The launch of the 5th annual Middle East Insurance Awards (MIIA) starts the search for the stars of the Middle East insurance industry. Over the years, the MIIA, which recognises and salutes excellence, has come to gain wider acceptance.
The MIIA has proven itself unique, distinctive and scrupulously above board. The process is transparent, the criteria and categories are clearly defined, the judges comprises distinguished domestically, regionally and international leaders in the industry, and the results are independently audited.
For this 5th Awards, we are going two steps further to enthuse the industry to do more for society with the Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) Award and to get insurers to embrace the irreversible digital trend with an extra category for Digital Insurer of the Year.
These are exciting times and things are changing. I believe that the tougher the challenges, the greater the room for creativity and for excellence.
Reflecting on the Awards over the past four years, we have seen some 60 winners walking up the red carpet to claim their trophies. Many have gone out of their way to do for more the industry as winners.
Awards such as this do play their part in helping to boost standards and promote greater professionalism in the market. But it all starts with each and every player taking his responsibility to make a wider contribution to the industry beyond just ensuring corporate bottom lines.
It is in this spirit that we allow self-nomination in the Awards to encourage companies to know their own self-worth and competitive strengths in the market and to be a leader doing something unique in the market.
I salute all our past winners over the past four years and sincerely invite all of you to take part in the Awards as it is a truly level playing field across the region. I look forward to receiving entries from all markets and both from insurers and takaful operators, as well as those who provide services to the insurers. There is a great story for each of you and there is no fixed formula for success in this disruptive world.
I salute the esteemed panel of judges for their readiness to serve in this important CSR for the industry, the demanding workload notwithstanding.
I look forward to celebrating the new set of winners at the Awards Presentation Gala Dinner on 26 November 2018 in Dubai.
As always, the best is yet to be. The search is on.
Sivam Subramaniam
Middle East Insurance Review
ABOUT THE ORGANISER: Middle East Insurance Review
Established in 2006, Middle East Insurance Review (MEIR) has become an integral part of the marketplace as a highly professional magazine meeting the information needs of insurance practitioners, not only those in the Middle East and North Africa (MENA), but those interested in doing business in the region.
MEIR is the magazine of choice for both conventional insurance as well as takaful players in these markets, as the only publication with a dedicated section on the global takaful industry. Due to its reputation and extensive reach, MEIR is the official publication for major industry events such as the GAIF and FAIR Conferences. In addition, MEIR has made its mark through technical conferences adding value to the industry.