News Middle East10 Jul 2024

Tunisia:Fraud leads to losses of over US$25m in 2023 for insurers

| 10 Jul 2024

Insurance fraud in 2023 is estimated to involve TND80m ($25.7m) to TND85m, Mr Hatem Amira, the executive director of the Tunisian Federation of Insurance Companies (FTUSA), has said.

Speaking on a radio programme on 8 July 2024, Mr Amira said that to counter this crime, an agency has been created to combat fraud and scams in the insurance sector, in particular, in the motor branch, according to media reports.

The agency should start its operations in 2025. In the meantime, it will be recruiting personnel to fill various positions, including that of director-general.

This new agency, established on 5 July, will allow insurance companies to coordinate their efforts to combat fraudsters. It will examine accident claims and investigate scams. Studies will be carried out to ascertain the amounts involved in insurance fraud in Tunisia.

The agency will serve as the link between the insurance sector, relevant ministries, and law enforcement and judicial bodies. It will also ensure the coordination and exchange of information between these different institutions

Mr Amira also said that the cost of fraud is estimated globally at between 10% and 15% of total compensation paid.

 There are 24 insurance companies operating in Tunisia.

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