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Mar 2025

Japan: Record high number of serious traffic accidents in 2023 caused by distracted drivers

Source: Middle East Insurance Review | Apr 2024

The number of serious traffic accidents in Japan caused by distracted drivers, such as those using smartphones while driving, rose to a new record high in 2023.
According to Japanese police data the number of distracted-driving crashes that caused any death or serious injury surged by 34 from the previous year and touched 122, highest on records that go back to 2007.
Japan National Police Agency (NPA) released its data for 2023 in March 2024. The agency notes that the risk of fatal accidents increased 3.8-fold when a driver used a mobile phone while driving compared with when not using it.
In 2019 Japan had put in place stiff penalties for the use of smartphones and other mobile handsets while driving. The published data shows that the number of serious distracted-driving crashes fell from 105 in 2019 to 66 in 2020 but has kept rising since 2021. The NPA believes that the effect of the stricter penalties has weakened.
Of the total for 2023, 25 involved fatal incidents and 97 caused serious injury. About 10% of the drivers in these cases were operating mobile phones to talk, while 90% were looking at screens.
In the 384 cases, 392 people died — 123 victims between the ages of 4 and 94, 232 drivers who caused the accidents and 37 passengers riding with them.
The number of serious accidents related to bicycles that caused any death or serious injury rose 354 to 7,461. The proportion of accidents involving pedestrians has increased each year since 2018.
Of the 141 serious accidents involving bicycles and pedestrians that occurred on sidewalks, 49.6% of the cyclists were under 25 years old, while 54.6% of the pedestrians were 65 or over. The accidents occurred most often during the morning and evening commuting hours. M 
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